List of Indian Penal Code (IPC) for Women

The Indian Penal Code (IPC) contains several provisions that criminalize crimes committed against women. Some of the key provisions in the IPC that pertain to women include:

  1. Section 375: This section defines the offence of rape, which includes sexual intercourse without consent, as well as other acts that can be considered as rape.
  2. Section 376: This section provides for the punishment for rape, which can be imprisonment for a term of not less than 7 years, but which may extend to life imprisonment.
  3. Section 376A-376D: These sections provide for the punishment for specific forms of sexual assault such as gang rape, repeat offenders and sexual assault on a minor.
  4. Section 354: This section criminalizes the offence of outraging the modesty of a woman.
  5. Section 354A: This section criminalizes the offence of sexual harassment.
  6. Section 354B: This section criminalizes the offence of assault or use of criminal force on a woman with the intent to disrobe.
  7. Section 354C: This section criminalizes the offence of voyeurism.
  8. Section 354D: This section criminalizes the offence of stalking.
  9. Section 509: This section criminalizes the offence of word, gesture or act intended to insult the modesty of a woman.
  10. Section 498A: This section criminalizes the offence of cruelty by husband or his relatives against a married woman.

It’s also worth noting that The Indian Penal Code (IPC) also contains provisions for crimes such as kidnapping, abduction, and wrongful confinement, which can be committed against women.



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